"Fascinating to the point of repeat viewings."
- Variety
Glenn Kenny
N.Y. TimesDistinctive and provocative. Adams produces work that is too prickly and individual to categorize. The aggregation of seemingly tossed-off scenes tightens like a noose.
Karina Longworth
L.A. WeeklyA must see. Wildly ambitious and overwhelming. A fresh-feeling sense of dystopian dread.
Dennis Harvey
VarietyAn arresting talent. Very different, period. Fascinating to the point of repeat viewings.
Lauren Baggett
Screen AnarchyIt's a sucker punch of a film, and its creator is a master in the making.
Jim Ridley
Village VoiceMicro in budget, macro in ambition, accomplishment, and scope. Prompts multiple viewings, and deserves them.
Mike D'Angelo
A.V. ClubSo much more ambitious and intelligent and accomplished than the films that come out of Sundance every year.
Richard von Busack
MetroAdams understands all the tools of the cinema, such as the importance of the angle of light, the power of sound editing, the direction of a glance, the deft use of a blackout.
Fernando Croce
MubiAn adventurous filmmaker continuing to push forward. His use of actors, light, editing rhythms, and sound design are all calibrated to the emotions on the screen.
Vadim Rizov
Filmmaker MagazineAdams is playing on a whole other level.
Phillip Lopate
N.Y. TimesPoignant and engrossing. A very fine film which stays with me.
Ray Greene
BoxOfficeBABNIK marks Adams as a fresh directing talent. It’s a rousing success.
Charlie Olsky
IndiewireA true find. Beautifully realized. Every single moment of the story rings true, aided by uniformly excellent performances.